Minecraft Weapons

Warning: If you read this you may become a weapons expert while your friends are still making wasteful gold weapons (we will talk about this later in the post).

We all know that the best weapons and tools are diamond. They are the fastest and the most durable, and if you have one you can brag to your friends who are still making inferior wooden weapons. I will tell you soon in one of my exclusive Build Play Destroy videos how to get the rare minerals like diamonds fast with my special mining technique.

But first, let’s get down to weapons. There are wooden swords–the newbie ranked sword that is surprisingly just as good as gold weapons (again, we’ll talk about this later) except you don’t have the bragging rights like you do with golden swords since it is usually harder to come across gold than it is to find wood (depending on your seed).

The gold sword, the “idiot” ranked weapon, does the same damage (2) as the “newbie” wooden sword. However, gold swords are far more rare, but extremely fragile just like wooden swords. They usually only do a couple hits and then break. So, I recommend that you don’t mess up making the extreme “idiot” ranked sword even if you get desperate!

Now, let’s get down to business. Here’s your “finally doing somethin’ right” ranked weapon—the iron sword. It is also the sword I’m using at the moment. It’s made for people that don’t want to waste their valuable time making gold and wooden weapons and who are smart (just like you!). These weapons are pretty easy to get because iron is not as uncommon as some minerals like the extreme “idiot” ranked mineral gold. This sword is also pretty durable (unlike the wooden and gold weapons).

Next are the diamond swords. This sword is the “extreme slaughtering maniac” ranked sword. It obliterates all your daily Minecraft worries (except, of course, lava and falling to your absolute doom). With a diamond weapon, you will no longer have to be concerned with zombies, creepers, spiders, skeletons, or even skeletons riding spiders!

There are now only two more weapons left that you can use. One is what I like to call the “torturer” ranked weapon—the fishing rod (used as a whip). It may not be the fastest or strongest weapon, but it does have a far greater reach than swords.  The fishing rod (which can also be quite handily used to catch fish) makes an excellent whip if you’re riding a pig.  I don’t use this weapon very often, but it’s OK if you do.

Last, there’s the “Hey, who’s hitting me?” ranked weapon. The epic rogue weapon, the deadly sniper– the bow! This is an awesome weapon if you don’t want to engage in a catfight with a mob. This is also a great hunting weapon if you don’t want to keep on chasing the animal over and over again until your hunger meter runs out and you die before you get any food. The only disadvantage with this weapon is the fact that you have to make arrows. This isn’t a big deal to some people, but it is to me because it needs flint and I don’t have much gravel in my seed.

If you have any questions just comment below! If you just want to prove me wrong about the gold weapons see for yourself: www.minecraftwiki.net. Remember to come back to my blog for awesome fighting techniques!!

Luke Minewalker triumphs over evil mobs.