Minecraft MMO: A Reality??? Jan18


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Minecraft MMO: A Reality???

I recently watched a video about the Minecraft MMO possibility. But whats the point of this? Well, what if it was like a adventuring game where you explore all kinds of different worlds getting enchanted treasures, or maps with treasures on them? That would be a great idea, this would make it much simpler to play online with friends. How I know? Well my friend had a server but he can’t manage to keep it up for more than 3 days, because every time a new update comes out he has to update it. AND IT’S AN EXTREME PAIN. How could they make an MMO? They managed to merge multiple servers together and have a central server where you cant travel to other servers. Like I said each different server would be like another world. www.Imgur.com What do you think about this idea? Well comment or email us.

Minecraft MMO

Minecraft MMO