Minecraft Realms Apr04


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Minecraft Realms

No, it’s not a new biome update, or a update with knights and quests. It’s Mojang hosting servers!!! If you don’t know what a server is here is my simple explanation: Have you ever thought that playing Minecraft by yourself was lonely, or needed spazaz? Well then your solution is servers! Find a server you like, then go to multiplayer, click on add server, and type in the server address (the server name is just so you remember which server is which)!

Pretty cool huh? If you’d like to have your own server heres your two options: You want a server for free? Then try going to http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Setting_up_a_server remember to have your parents help setting up a server (not knowing what you’re doing could resolve in ruining your computer). The other option is to buy an Minecraft Realms subscription (it may be 10-15 dollars a month). Also if you’d like to have a server on pocket edition they will be releasing Minecraft Realms for that too.


Adding Servers

Adding Servers

Comment if you’ve got any Questions! Also so be sure to contact us if you’ve got any requests!