My LAN World Nov02


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My LAN World

Christian's Trade Shop

Christian’s Trade Shop

A lot of people may find that when you press escape to go exit the game, or change the game difficulty, another option comes up, and that is to make a LAN world. However, most people don’t know that it is only for other people on your local network (e.g. your Wi-Fi router) that can play with you. Additionally, two people sharing one account wouldn’t be able to play with each other. There is a problem about how operation timed out but we’ll save that for another post, because this post is about my awesome LAN world. Our original plan was to make a maze that we try to kill each other in, but we changed that to something cooler. We built a line around all the battlefield to know if you were out of bounds or not, but then we came to a problem; what if directly from the start the other contestant killed you? So the starting area was lined with blue wool to symbolize a no-kill zone. We also figured we didn’t want to start off with nothing so we made a Cornucopia to get items (you can only take one item from each chest) and to trade.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            We have also made an enchanting place to make our weapons and armor more powerful and more expensive. We’ve had a lot of  fun with our world, so if this sounds interesting to you keep your eye out for our step by step post about making one.