Minecraft Realms Apr04

Minecraft Realms

No, it’s not a new biome update, or a update with knights and quests. It’s Mojang hosting servers!!! If you don’t know what a server is here is my simple explanation: Have you ever thought that playing Minecraft by yourself was lonely, or needed spazaz? Well then your...

Upcoming Updates Apr01

Upcoming Updates

Hello, fellow Minecraftians! There isn’t much news about upcoming updates, but here is what I do know: New Mobs will be added in 1.6. Also, if you have a PowerPC, and/or Java 5 installed  a warning will be shown on the main menu. Packed in with the update, the Launcher will be updated....

Minecraft 1.5 Feb19

Minecraft 1.5

The 1.5 update also known as the “Redstone update” will be here early March. Here are the new types of blocks: Nether quartz, a type of mineral that will be found in the Nether, which has many forms including: Nether quartz ore, Nether quartz (which is obtained by smelting Nether...

Minecraft MMO: A Reality??? Jan18

Minecraft MMO: A Rea...

I recently watched a video about the Minecraft MMO possibility. But whats the point of this? Well, what if it was like a adventuring game where you explore all kinds of different worlds getting enchanted treasures, or maps with treasures on them? That would be a great idea, this would make it...

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years, BuildPlayDestroy followers! This has been a great year—here’s hoping next year is even better. I have some New Year’s resolutions for my blog, but rather than tell them now, I’ll just try to make them happen soon. Here’s to 2013!

My LAN World Nov02

My LAN World

A lot of people may find that when you press escape to go exit the game, or change the game difficulty, another option comes up, and that is to make a LAN world. However, most people don’t know that it is only for other people on your local network (e.g. your Wi-Fi router) that can play...