Breaking News! Sep10

Breaking News!

Today at  precisely  8:30 the Clone Wars has begun. This particular clone would not let me take a picture.  However, after complimenting him on his good looks he gladly allowed me to take a picture, but he warned me that droids would soon be coming to attack us.  

Minecraft 1.4 Update Part One Aug29

Minecraft 1.4 Update...

Hey guys, for those of you that just can’t wait for update 1.4 this is the perfect place to find out more about it. POTIONS: I have heard that they will be releasing at least two new potions–the night vision potion and invisibility potion. From the looks of it they will be making a...

Minecraft Weapons Aug24

Minecraft Weapons

Warning: If you read this you may become a weapons expert while your friends are still making wasteful gold weapons (we will talk about this later in the post). We all know that the best weapons and tools are diamond. They are the fastest and the most durable, and if you have one you can brag...